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I think this could use a touch more flavor but it is pretty good. I made mine with sharp cheddar. I also recommend using a cooking dish that is less tall than the one pictured (maybe half as high) as then you get more bread crumbs and cheesey topping to enjoy with every bite. Also, the microwave time is 4-5 minutes for the squash (it was left off the original post).

Oops! Thanks Chris, I've fixed the recipe to include the microwaving time.

This was a fun new use for the quinoa I'm only beginning to experiment with! Thanks to Sarah for sharing the link. I'd also agree that I should have used a sharper cheese (blended garlic cheddar with boring, unsharp cheddar/jack mix). I also used onion instead of shallot and may use even more onion next time. Thanks, Judah!

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