We gave the contractor one more chance, and he (of course) failed to come through. As a result, I finally went to the courthouse and filed a claim against him. We're now waiting to hear what will happen, whether they were able to successfully serve him via certified mail, etc. In the mean time, we've moved on. We hired a licensed contractor to come fix most of the remaining issues and fix some of the mistakes that the previous contractor made. I planted some roses in the front garden area, I hope they survive the winter! We've been finishing unpacking and cleaning and painting and all sorts of fun stuff like that inside the house to get ready for my parents to be in town for 4 days and for a housewarming party. It's still not finished (we need to replace at least 1 window and preferably all of the windows), but it's fairly close and dang it, we deserve to have a party. :) I've also had some fun lately with my tae kwon do class. I signed up in October and have really been enjoying it. Last Friday, we got to break boards. Sarah came and got some great pictures, here's a link to my favorite one she took of me.